Sunday, 16 November 2008

My focus group questions and what i found out

My focus group Questions:
1. Can you please draw a representation of an american teenager?
2. Can you list 10 adjectives on your sketch that you would use to describe american youth?
3. Can you give me a definition of what you think the american dream is?
My definition: The american dream is the widespread aspirations of americans to live better
than their parents did and also a phrase that translates to mean hope, prosperity and
4. Clips:
American Beauty:
High School Musical:
What messages and values do you think these three clips communicate to you about American
5. To what extent do you think these films either confrom or challenge the American dream?

What i found out:
1. In my focus group i asked everyone involved which were 13 people to draw an american youth. I found out that 7 males and 2 females drew a male youth whereas no males and 3 females drew a female youth.

2. I asked my focus group to use 10 words to describe an american youth. I found out that 9/13 either named american youths as either fat of obese. 8/13 people used gangster and 6/13 people said sporty or named some sort of sport.
12/13 people's adjectives they used were very derogatory and not very nice towards american youths.

3. 13/13 people understood the american dream by mentioing success, perfect home, perfect job and the perfect family.

Overall i didnt find my focus group 100% useful as the answers i recieved werent as clear as i hoped for and some went against of what i originally thought. This could of been for my questions being too broad but in some way i did find this healpful with the results i have shown above.

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